Category Archives: text adventures

Clashin’ and Typin’ with Emily Short

Only recently have I gotten around to editing and uploading a few episodes of CLASH of the TYPE-INS that Jenni and I recorded with Emily Short way back in September or something. Now they are all up, though. The episode where we play Bronze was crazy good, in my opinion: Some IF design-theoretical issues got brought up and Emily expounded on them with a cogency that Jenni’s and my antics often lack. If you listen to only one episode of our dumb podcast this year, make it Episode 10.

But you should listen to all of them! Why not?

Someone Keeps Moving My Chair


I have a new game! It’s a prequel to The Statue Got Me High. My intent was to make a little sub-game that would briefly explore one of the characters from Statue, but this game is actually about 153% the size of that one.

I think you can play them in either order, but whatever or however you play, I hope you have a  good time, and if you have anything to say about them I hope you’ll let me know!


The Ascent of the Gothic Tower!


When Simon Carless commissioned The Ascent of the Gothic Tower for the video games-themed StoryBundle from earlier this year, we agreed the game should be released on a non-commercial basis at some future time, and further we agreed that future time should be September. Friends, it is September right now!

You can now play Gothic Tower online or download the story file to play in a different interpreter if you insist. In either case I hope you’ll let me know what you think of it!

Clash of the Type-Ins! Episodes!

Recently I have been able to edit and upload three(!) episodes of the text adventure podcast that I do with Jenni Polodna. Our last recording session was with Jeremy Freese; we played his game Violet and my game The Statue Got Me High and it was all very pleasant. You will enjoy listening to all of it!

Did you know that you can subscribe to said podcast on iTunes? Just search the iTunes store for “Clash of the Type-Ins” and it’ll pop up there, probably.

The Ascent of the Gothic Tower

CoverThe new StoryBundle features a selection of books about video games that will interest you, as well as a sub-bundle of text adventures I wrote! The Gothic Tower & Assorted Interactive Fiction includes a few games you can play over here at this website, but critically it includes The Ascent of the Gothic Tower, which was commissioned by Simon Carless specifically for this StoryBundle.

One of the other games, titled So, You’ve Never Played a Text Adventure Before, Huh?, was first released in this bundle but is available for free as well. You can play it online even. I recommend it to anyone who has never played a text adventure before.

The bundle also also includes the ebook of “MOTORCYCLUS” and Other Extremely Scary Stories”! Functionally what is going on here is you can pay any amount you wish—the minimum of three dollars, if you want—for my book of scary stories.

Oh. Oh, no. What have I done?