Robin & Orchid — 35 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - The overexposed photo

[nothing to see here!!! move along!!!!!]

An overexposed photo is a kind of photo.

Understand "overexposed" and "over-exposed" and "over exposed" as an overexposed photo.

Understand "overexposed/over-exposed [photos]" or "over exposed [photos]" as the plural of an overexposed photo.

The blur of light is a thing.

Rule for printing the name of an overexposed photo:

say "overexposed photo".

Rule for printing the plural name of an overexposed photo:

say "overexposed photos".

The indefinite article of an overexposed photo is usually "an".

After photographing the blur of light with the Polaroid:

say "You snap a picture of [the original subject]. The camera whirrs and vibrates and eventually spits out a print of the photo."

Rule for printing the description of an overexposed photo:

say "For some reason, this photo came out really overexposed. You can't tell what it's supposed to be a picture of; it's just a blur of light."

The standard overexposed photo is an overexposed photo.