Robin & Orchid — 38 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Part - The appearance relation

[This is stolen from the Claims Adjustment example in the I7 documentation.]

Appearance relates one thing (called the subject) to various photos.

The verb to be shown by implies the appearance relation.

The verb to show (he shows, they show, he showed, it is shown, it is showing) implies the reversed appearance relation.

Understand "of [something related by reversed appearance]" or "[something related by reversed appearance] [photo]" as a photo.

Understand "of [something related by reversed appearance]" or "[something related by reversed appearance] [photo]" as a person photo.

Understand "[photos] of [something related by reversed appearance]" or "[something related by reversed appearance] [photos]" as the plural of a photo.

Understand "[photos] of [something related by reversed appearance]" or "[something related by reversed appearance] [photos]" as the plural of a person photo.

[Removed to improve performance:]

[Understand "of [subject-lit] [something related by reversed appearance]" or "of a [subject-lit] [something related by reversed appearance]" as a photo when the item described is subject-lit.

Understand "of [darkened] [something related by reversed appearance]" or "of a [darkened] [something related by reversed appearance]" as a photo when the item described is not subject-lit.

Understand "of [subject-empty] [something related by reversed appearance]" or "of a/an [subject-empty] [something related by reversed appearance]" as a photo when the item described is subject-empty.]

[Does the player mean doing something with a photo:

it is very unlikely.]