Robin & Orchid — 7 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Part - Actions out of world

[about, help, credits, etc]

Abouting is an action out of world. Understand "credits" and "author" and "about" and "info" and "contact" and "help" [?] as abouting.

Carry out abouting:

say "Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim began work on [italic type]Robin & Orchid[roman type] in July of 2012. Their original intention was to enter it in the 2012 Interactive Fiction Competition. Then their intention was to enter it in the 2013 Spring Thing. If you’re reading this, that means they have successfully entered it in the 2013 Interactive Fiction Competition.[paragraph break]An adaptive walkthrough has been built into the game; you can enter the command 'WALKTHROUGH' to get some directions if you're stuck. Something might also happen if you try 'HINT[quotation mark].[paragraph break]If the mood strikes you, you can email one or both of the authors at or[unicode 8212]or say hi on Twitter, at @rcveeder or @emilyboegheim.[paragraph break]CREDITS[paragraph break][italic type]Lead Designer/Head Writer:[roman type] Ryan Veeder[line break][italic type]Head Programmer/Lead Voice of Reason:[roman type] Emily Boegheim[paragraph break][italic type]Beta Testers:[roman type] Jonathan Blask, Colin Djukic, Amanda Lange, CEJ Pacian, Michael Wayne Phipps Jr, Zach[paragraph break][italic type]Bible quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version.[roman type][paragraph break][italic type]Special Thanks:[roman type] Ryan Veeder’s church, Emily Boegheim’s churches, Ryan Veeder’s high school, and all the jerks he graduated with[paragraph break]"

Report requesting the story file version:

say "Plus modified versions of:[line break]Secret Doors version 1 by Andrew Owen[line break]".

Rule for amusing a victorious player:

say "Have you...[paragraph break]...taken any pictures of Orchid?[line break]...tried hiding?[line break]...learned all about Gwen?[line break]...checked out the pastor's office?[line break] all four entries in the epic Nativity Pageant Saga?[line break]...tested Casey's favorite napping spot?[line break]...looked up Jesus in the Bible?[line break] all of Casey's notes? I sincerely doubt it."

Understand "load" and "load game" and "load the/a game" as restoring the game.