Robin & Orchid — 64 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - Ectoplasm

[TODO: Do we actually want it to be called "ectoplasm"? "Goo" or whatever seems a bit too skeptical, though.]

ectoplasm is a kind of thing.

The indefinite article of ectoplasm is "some".

The description of an ectoplasm is usually "The ectoplasm is pale gray, thick and gooey."

The note of an ectoplasm is usually "'Robin. While you're looking for ghosts, if you see any ectoplasm, you should try to collect it and bring it back somehow. It would be important evidence for the existence of a ghost. And also I think it would just be cool to have.'"

The photo description of ectoplasm is usually "The ectoplasm looks thicker and grayer in the photograph."

Understand "goo" and "gooey" and "goop" as ectoplasm.

Understand "something" and "thing" and "wet" as ectoplasm.

Understand "cold" and "slimy" and "slime" as ectoplasm.

Understand "streak" and "grey" and "gray" and "grayish" and "greyish" and "gunk" as ectoplasm.

Understand "ecto" and "plasm" as ectoplasm.

Instead of smelling ectoplasm:

say "The ectoplasm smells bitter and unnatural."

Instead of smelling the hands when the player carries ectoplasm (called goop):

try smelling the goop.

Instead of smelling the jam jar when the player carries ectoplasm (called goop):

try smelling the goop.

Instead of tasting ectoplasm:

say "[one of]How do ghosts produce ectoplasm anyway? You're not sure it's something you want to put in your mouth[or]You touch the ectoplasm gingerly with the tip of your tongue. The bitter tang makes you gag[or]You tried it once. Science does not demand any further sacrifices of you[stopping]."

Before eating ectoplasm:

try tasting the noun instead.

Ectoplasm is always evidential.

To decide if the player has evidence of (clue - ectoplasm):

if the player carries a thing that contains ectoplasm:

decide yes;

if a photo shows ectoplasm:

decide yes;

decide no.

Definition: a thing is non-ectoplasm if it is not ectoplasm.

After printing the name of ectoplasm (called goo) while taking inventory:

if the player carries the goo [directly, not inside something else] and photo-name-printing is false:

say " (stuck to your fingers)".

There are two ectoplasm. [The two spare grammar-defying ectoplasm are off-stage.]

Instead of taking ectoplasm when the player holds the jam jar and the jam jar does not contain ectoplasm:

try inserting the noun into the jar.

Instead of taking ectoplasm with the jam jar:

try inserting the noun into the jam jar.

Instead of inserting ectoplasm into the jam jar:

let goop be a random off-stage ectoplasm;

now the goop is in the second noun;

say "You carefully scoop a sample of the ectoplasm into the jar.";

rule succeeds.

Before showing ectoplasm to someone when the noun is in the jam jar:

try showing the jam jar to the second noun instead.

Before giving ectoplasm to someone when the noun is in the jam jar:

try giving the jam jar to the second noun instead.

Instead of taking ectoplasm when the player carries ectoplasm:

say "You've already got it all over your hand."

Instead of photographing the hands with the Polaroid when the player carries ectoplasm (called goop):

try photographing the goop with the Polaroid instead.

Instead of inserting ectoplasm into the jam jar when the jam jar contains ectoplasm:

say "You've already taken a sample of the ectoplasm; that should be sufficient."

Check inserting ectoplasm into a container that is not the jam jar:

say "[The second noun] [is-are]n't really a suitable container for an ectoplasm sample." instead.

Instead of taking ectoplasm when the noun is in the jam jar:

say "Best leave your ectoplasm sample in the jar. You don't need to get [if the player carries ectoplasm]even more of it on your hands[otherwise]it all over your hands again[end if]."

Rule for deciding whether all includes ectoplasm enclosed by the jam jar:

it does not.

Instead of taking ectoplasm when the noun is not in the jam jar and the player encloses the jam jar and the jam jar encloses ectoplasm:

say "You've already collected some ectoplasm."

Instead of taking ectoplasm:

say "You don't really want to get it all over your hands again."

[We need to figure out exactly what Orchid is using for ectoplasm so we can get the descriptions right.]

After touching ectoplasm when the player does not carry ectoplasm:

let goop be a random off-stage ectoplasm;

now the player carries the goop;

say "You prod the ectoplasm gingerly, then rub it between your fingers. It's thick and gooey, with a slightly oily texture. And now it's all over your hand again."

After touching ectoplasm when the player carries ectoplasm:

say "You rub the ectoplasm between your fingers. It's thick and gooey with a slightly oily texture and sticks to your fingers stubbornly."

Instead of discarding when the noun is ectoplasm and the player carries ectoplasm [directly] (this is the ectoplasm is stuck to your fingers rule):

say "It clings to your fingers stubbornly."

Instead of dropping ectoplasm when the player encloses ectoplasm and the player does not carry ectoplasm [the player carries ectoplasm inside something else]:

let goop be a random ectoplasm enclosed by the player;

let pot be a random container that contains the goop;

try dropping the pot.

Instead of discarding when the noun encloses ectoplasm:

say "You went to a lot of trouble to collect that ectoplasm. Better not leave it lying around."

Instead of washing ectoplasm when the player carries the noun: [i.e. it's stuck to her fingers]

try washing the hands.

After photographing something with when the player carries ectoplasm and Ghostly Apparition is not happening and the player is not on a supporter:

say "You hold the camera awkwardly in one hand, trying not to get any of the ectoplasm on it. The photo falls to the floor and[if in darkness], after feeling around for a moment,[end if] you pick it up."

The canonical ectoplasm is an ectoplasm that varies.

When play begins:

now the canonical ectoplasm is a random ectoplasm.

Setting action variables for photographing:

if the noun is an ectoplasm:

now the noun is the canonical ectoplasm.