Robin & Orchid — 68 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - Flippable Container/Supporters

[these are things that are containers when upright and enterable supporters when upside down]

A stepper is a kind of supporter.

A stepper is usually enterable.

[The stepper code should really all be up here, not down in the storage room code, but oh well. Moving it is too much bother now.]

A flippable supporter is a kind of supporter.

A flippable supporter is usually enterable and portable.

A flippable supporter is usually floor-standing.

A flippable supporter can be upended or right way up.

A flippable supporter is usually right way up.

Before printing the name of an upended flippable supporter:

say "upside-down ".

Understand "upside-down" and "upside down" as a flippable supporter [when the item described is upended]. [That part was removed to improve performance.]

An interior is a kind of container.

An interior is usually privately-named.

An interior is part of every flippable supporter.

Rule for printing the name of a container (called crate) when the crate is part of a flippable supporter (called main item):

say "[main item]".


[After printing the name of a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

say " (inner space)".

Understand "inner" and "space" as a container when the item described is part of a flippable supporter.]

When play begins:

repeat with item running through flippable supporters:

now the inner space of the the item is privately-named.

To decide which container is the inner space of (main item - a flippable supporter):

let the crate be a random container incorporated by the main item;

decide on the crate.

[removing from]

Understand "[something related by reversed incorporation]" as a container. [CAN'T DELETE THIS]

Does the player mean removing from a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean removing from a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very likely.

Check removing something from a flippable supporter:

try taking the noun instead.

Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of a flippable supporter:

do nothing.

Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

do nothing.

Does the player mean doing something with a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean quizzing about a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean informing about a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean querying about a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean requesting for a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Does the player mean querying vaguely about a container incorporated by a flippable supporter:

it is very unlikely.

Last report examining a flippable supporter:

let crate be the inner space of the noun;

if something is in the crate:

say "In [the crate] [is-are a list of things in the crate]."

Instead of searching a right way up flippable supporter:

try searching the inner space of the noun.

Instead of turning an upended flippable supporter:

if specifically turning upside down:

say "[The noun] is already upside down.";


continue the action.

Instead of turning a flippable supporter when the player is on the noun:

say "You'll have to step off it first."

Instead of turning a flippable supporter:

if the noun is upended:

say "You [if something is on the noun]pick up the stuff on [the noun] and turn it[otherwise]turn [the noun][end if] over, so the open side is upwards.";

if something is on the noun:

now the player carries everything on the noun;

now the noun is right way up;


let the crate be a random container incorporated by the noun;

say "You [if something is in the crate]pick up the stuff in [the noun] and turn it[otherwise]turn [the noun][end if] upside down.";

if something is in the crate:

now the player carries everything in the crate;

now the noun is upended.

Instead of inserting something into a flippable supporter:

let the crate be a random container incorporated by the second noun;

try inserting the noun into the crate.

Instead of inserting something into a container which is part of an upended flippable supporter:

say "You can't put anything in [the second noun] while it's upside down."

After inserting something into a container which is part of a flippable supporter:

say "You put [the noun] into [the second noun]."

Instead of putting something on a flippable supporter when the second noun is right way up:

let the crate be a random container incorporated by the second noun;

try inserting the noun into the crate.

Instead of entering a flippable supporter when the noun is right way up:

say "There isn't much point in [if specifically sitting]sitting[otherwise]standing[end if] on [the noun] while it's the right way up."

After entering a flippable supporter when the chosen posture is sitting:

say "You sit down on [the noun] and try not to knee yourself in the chin."