Robin & Orchid — 10 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - Examining etc

Understand "examine [things]" as examining.

[Understand "examine/x/check/describe/look/read/watch" or "look at" as "[examine]".]

This is the reject examine commands with too many objects rule:

if the player's command includes " all " or the player's command includes " everything ":

let comm be indexed text;

let comm be the player's command;

if comm matches the regular expression "^(examine|x|check|describe|look|read|watch|look at) ":

say "Sorry, that command would include too many objects. Please be more specific about what you want to look at.";

reject the player's command.

The reject examine commands with too many objects rule is listed before the generate action rule in the turn sequence rules.

Understand "look around" as looking.

Understand "examine in/inside [something]" as searching.

Understand "examine under [something]" as looking under.

[These two rules were removed to improve performance:]

[Understand "staring" as a person photo when the action taken of the item described is examining.]

[Understand "looking" and "looking through" as a person photo when the action taken of the item described is searching.]

Understand "look for [text]" and "search for [text]" and "find [text]" as a mistake ("Sorry, you'll have to be more specific about where you want to search.").


Understand "lick [something]" as tasting.

Instead of tasting something, say "You'd prefer to keep your tongue away from [the noun]."