Robin & Orchid — 87 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Part - The Player's Stuff

The player carries Casey's notes.

The notes are plural-named.

Understand "notebook" and "caseys" as Casey's notes.

The description of Casey's notes is "The notebook is thick, and as you flick through the pages, it looks like it's nearly full. Surely Casey didn't make notes about [italic type]everything[roman type] in the church? How long did he spend on this anyway?[paragraph break]There's way too much information here to sit down and read it all at once, but you can look up anything you want to know about."

The note of Casey's notes is "'I know there's a lot of the church you haven't seen or that you don't remember, so I'm writing down everything I can think of. I feel like these notes will be an invaluable resource when I get older and feel the need to revisit the carefree days of my youth, so make sure you give them back to me.'"

Instead of discarding when the noun is Casey's notes:

say "Casey told you not to let Orchid see them. You'd better keep them with you."

The player wears a Polaroid camera.

[See Photography volume above for info on its behaviour.]

The description of the Polaroid camera is "Something went wrong with the West High [italic type]Warbler[roman type]'s official camera, so Casey scrounged up this old Polaroid instead. He was very keen on you using a Polaroid camera for this story, for some reason[em dash]he gave you enough photo paper to document a whole congregation of ghosts."

The note of the Polaroid camera is "'I'm really glad you're using a Polaroid to get proof of the ghost, because that's what Winona Ryder used in [italic type]Beetlejuice[roman type] to get proof of Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis.[paragraph break]'Now that I think of it, in the movie, the ghosts didn't actually show up on the Polaroids. But that's probably not how it works in real life.'"

Understand "strap" as the Polaroid.

Instead of discarding when the noun is the Polaroid:

say "You need to hang onto it in case you see evidence of a ghost."

Instead of taking off the Polaroid:

try dropping the Polaroid instead.

Instead of wearing the Polaroid:

say "You've already got the strap around your neck. After all, you wouldn't want to drop it."

Instead of querying Casey's notes about a photo:

try querying Casey's notes about the Polaroid.

The player carries the stack of photos.