Robin & Orchid — 41 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - Check rules

[This rule should never come into play, since there's a rule preventing the player from discarding the camera.]

Check photographing when the actor does not hold the Polaroid:

say "You seem to have mislaid your camera. You won't be able to take any photos until you find it again." instead.

Check photographing when the second noun is not the Polaroid (this is the only cameras can take photos rule):

say "[The second noun] isn't a camera, sorry." instead.

Check photographing the camera with (this is the camera can't photograph itself rule):

say "You'll need a mirror if you're really serious about that." instead.

Check photographing a direction with:

if the noun is inside:

say "You'd be better off taking a photograph of something more specific." instead;


say "You decide that the [if the noun is up]ceiling[otherwise if the noun is down]floor[otherwise if the noun is outside]view outside[otherwise]view to the [noun][end if] isn't spectacular enough to be worth the photo paper." instead.

[This rule is negotiable. It would be kind of fun to let the player take photos of photos (and photos of photos of photos, and so on) but it would also be a disambiguation nightmare. I feel it's probably easier to just forbid it, but we can negotiate. Someone on suggested including Numbered Disambiguation Choices to deal with this sort of horror.]

[I say it's a waste of time! -RV]

Check photographing a photo with (this is the better not take photos of photos because it's confusing rule):

say "A photo of a photo would be a waste of time. Useless clutter." instead.

Check photographing it with:

if Robin is in the noun or Robin is on the noun:

say "It's hard to do that while you're [if Robin is on the noun]on[otherwise]in[end if] [the noun]." instead.