Robin & Orchid — 30 of 88

Ryan Veeder & Emily Boegheim

Release 4

Section - Resetting Towers of OCD

Resetting Towers of OCD is an action applying to nothing.

Understand "reset towers" and "reset ocd" and "reset towers of ocd" as resetting Towers of OCD.

Carry out resetting Towers of OCD:

if the player is on a stepper:

surreptitiously move the player to the location;

now everything on a stepper is carried by the player;

now the can of goo is on the wall shelves;

now Noah's Ark is in Storage East;

now the Ark of the Covenant is in Storage East;

now the case labelled handbells is on the Ark of the Covenant.

Report resetting Towers of OCD:

say "All the elements of the Towers of OCD magically spring back into their original places!";

if the location is Storage East:

try looking.